21st May 2021 

Redmond (Nee Douglas) May21st 2021 (Peacefully) At Her Home 67 Whinsmoor Park Broughshane (After a short illness) Rachel (Ray) Dearly Loved Wife of Adrian and Devoted Mum of Matthew, Mother-in-law of Lynsey, Loving Granny of Kai and Dear Sister of Samuel, James, William and Robert. Funeral service in Stevenson’s Funeral Home Cushendall Road Ballymena on Tuesday the 25th at 12 noon. Ray will leave our Funeral Home following the service for anyone wanting to stand outside and pay their respects whilst maintaining social distancing followed by interment in 2nd Broughshane cemetery. The service can be viewed live on our website www.jamesstevensonandson.co.uk .Family flowers only Please Donations if desired for Macmillan Cancer Support c/o James Stevenson & Son 30 Cushendall Road Ballymena. Will be Lovingly Remembered by Her Sorrowing Family and the entire Family circle.